Caffè Verzì: Sicily in a Cup

Caffè Verzì: Sicily in a Cup, Saida Gusto Espresso

Verzì coffee offers its customers the possibility of drinking a true Italian espresso wherever they want thanks to its range of blends, which can be purchased in pods and capsules compatible with the best systems on the market today: Lavazza Espresso Point, Aroma Vero and Fior Fiore Coop, Nescafè Dolce Gusto, Bialetti, Lavazza A Modo Mio, Domo System, Nespresso, Caffitaly, Firma and Vitha Group, and Lavazza Blue.

To enjoy a moment of respite, sipping alone or in company a good coffee, to carry on a ritual that is repeated every day and which you cannot give up, Verzì coffee is what you need.

To date, the coffee break represents an indispensable moment over the course of the day! At home or in the office, all of us in fact have a Pod or capsule coffee machine. Verzì Coffee offers its clientele both solutions so as to please and satisfy everyone.

Verzì Coffee: the origin of pleasure

Present in the industry for many years, Caffè Verzì soon became a established in its target market despite being a young company. La roasting plant is based in Centuripe, in the province of Enna, and represents a Strong, dynamic and continuously expanding reality.

Although young, Caffè Verzì stands out for its commitment, the passion and the selection of the highest quality grains to make the own unique blends.

What are its main characteristics? Cafe Verzi si distinguished by its blends that are pleasant and rich on the palate, firm and smooth, certainly quite distinct from each other. Perfect for those who love coffee in creamy cup, the individual blends are made from coffee beans, among the sweeter and more valuable, which enhance with their qualities the taste particularly aroma of Verzì coffee.

Coffee Verzì compatible pods and capsules

As we have seen the compatible pods and capsules of Verzì coffee that can be purchased at SA.I.DA. Gusto Espresso can be used with the best-known espresso machines on the market.

Want to know about the fine blends offered by Coffee Verzì? We present them below.

Intense aroma

For lovers of Italian espresso with a full-bodied flavor and balanced, Verzì Coffee’s Aroma Intenso blend is the ideal solution.

The coffee, composed of a blend of fine roasted Robusta and ground in Italy, it has velvety and aromatic notes that make it among the company’s most popular blends.

Rich Aroma

Verzì Coffee’s Aroma Ricco blend is a name and a guarantee that comes from the perfect balance of Arabica and Robusta.

This particular blend is made from grains that are highly prized and is distinguished by its being an espresso with a particularly aromatic.

For those who appreciate full-bodied coffees, Aroma Ricco is the choice perfect that also adds to its body with a thick, permanent cream.

Decaffeinated Espresso

Cafe Verzi thinks of everyone. And among his proposals he could not certainly miss the Decaffeinated Espresso.

For those who do not want to give up the pleasure of an espresso from Enjoy at any time of the day, even after dinner, the Espresso Decaffeinated in pods and capsules from Caffè Verzì is the coffee that allows you to don’t give up the quality and classic taste of coffee, but without caffeine!

Verzì Coffee compatible capsules and pods

What are the Verzì Coffee compatible pods and capsules that you can buy them in minutes, and from the comfort of your home, at SA.I.DA. Taste express?

We list below the compatible Caffè Verzì capsules, in Based on the reference system:

But it’s not over. SA.I.DA Gusto Espresso allows you to. Also buy Verzi Coffee pods in a very short time, i.e., the one employed to click on this link: ESE 44 pods Caffè Verzì .

As you see, Verzi Coffee, in addition to the undisputed quality of the own espresso offers a wide range of pods and capsules compatible with the MAJOR SYSTEMS. You just have to choose your favorite and take advantage of Immediately unbeatable prices that you can only find with us!

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