Cold Brew coffee: the summer trend for coffee lovers

Cold Brew coffee: the summer trend for coffee lovers, Saida Gusto Espresso

Are you also passionate about coffee in all its forms?
Imagine if a drop of coffee had the magic of transporting you to distant lands. Here, this is Cold Brew coffee, a sensory journey that begins with a coffee bean and takes you towards a summer full of flavor and freshness. Embark with us on this journey of taste!

The history of Cold Brew coffee

The tradition of Cold Brew coffee has ancient and distant origins. It is thought to have originated in the 1600s in Japan, where it was known as “Kyoto-style coffee,” a name that derives from the city where it was invented. It was prepared with drops of cold water, which fell slowly onto a bed of coffee, a method as simple as it is effective for extracting the purest and deepest flavors of the coffee bean.

Over the centuries, Cold Brew coffee has traveled across the ocean and landed in the Americas, becoming especially popular in the United States, where large coffee chains have promoted it as the quintessential summer beverage.

Its diffusion in Italy is more recent, but no less intense. The Italians, famous all over the world for their passion for coffee , have enthusiastically embraced this new trend, appreciating the delicate flavor and freshness of this drink. Every summer, Cold Brew coffee wins more and more admirers in the Bel Paese, becoming a true icon of summer coffee.

Cold Brew coffee: the summer trend for coffee lovers, Saida Gusto Espresso

Differences between Cold Brew coffee and iced coffee

Iced Coffee and Cold Brew Coffee might look similar, but they are actually like night and day. Cold coffee is a cooled espresso, while Cold Brew coffee is obtained through a slow cold infusion. This technique allows to enhance the deepest flavors and to obtain a sweeter and less acidic taste.

Cold Brew coffee comes from a coffee extraction method that takes place in cold water or at room temperature, leaving the coffee to infuse for a period of between 12 and 24 hours. The result is a drink with a unique taste, a fusion of aromas that slowly reveal themselves, sip after sip.

Preparation of Cold Brew coffee

Preparing Cold Brew coffee at home is an exciting and successful experience. The procedure is simple: choose an excellent quality coffee, better if coarsely ground. The ideal proportion is 1 to 8, therefore 8 grams (or millilitres) of water are used for each gram of coffee.

Mix the coffee with water in a container, preferably glass, making sure that each coffee bean comes into contact with the water. After that, cover the container and leave to infuse for at least 12 hours, if not more. Finally, filter the coffee with a fine-mesh sieve or paper filter. Here’s a delicious homemade Cold Brew Coffee!

Cold Brew coffee: the summer trend for coffee lovers, Saida Gusto Espresso

The benefits of classic coffee in summer

Despite the arrival of the heat, coffee remains a pleasant daily ritual. Although summer coffee like Cold Brew is becoming more and more popular, the classic espresso retains its countless benefits. From improving your metabolism to reducing the risk of certain diseases, a cup of coffee is a small panacea that should not be missing in your day.

Coffee, in addition to being a real panacea for health, is also an excellent ally against tiredness and drowsiness, especially during the summer afternoons when the heat can make our days particularly tiring.

So, don’t give up on your beloved coffee just because it’s summer. Whether you choose an iced coffee or a Cold Brew coffee, coffee remains a pleasant and invigorating constant of your summer day.

In conclusion, Cold Brew coffee is a trend that shows no sign of stopping. Easy to prepare and perfect for summer, this drink represents a delicious journey of taste and freshness. Whether you are a coffee veteran or a newbie, Let’s try Cold Brew coffee. You will not regret!

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