Ginseng coffee: new essence of coffee

Ginseng coffee: new essence of coffee, Saida Gusto Espresso

Coffee is definitely one of the most loved and drunk beverages around the world. Long, espresso, barley, cold, however you drink it, coffee is indispensable energy and taste for those facing hard days.

For the past few years, one of the newest types of coffee has been coming forward: ginseng coffee. More and more people, driven by curiosity to try it, are falling in love with its sweet aroma and creaminess, substituting it for the common, but still outstanding, espresso coffee.

But do you know what ginseng is? Ginseng is a substance extracted from the root of a plant called Panax. The plant is a small perennial shrub whose name in ancient Greek means “remedy for everything.”

The root has a hard and crumbly texture, is 3 to 20 cm long, and is yellowish/whitish in color. To be used, ginseng root is dried and can be used in infusions or on its own (chewable), as is the case with licorice. The world’s leading producer of ginseng is Korea (where the small tuber is considered a national plant), followed by China.

Ginseng coffee: new essence of coffee, Saida Gusto Espresso

Ginseng coffee has several benefits that affect many of our vital activities:

is an excellent antioxidant, gives mental clarity, has a relaxing effect on the body and mind, assists circulation by stabilizing blood pressure, facilitates digestion, and compared to traditional coffee does not have the recognized side effects such as nervousness, tachycardia or insomnia.

But be careful: don’t overdo it. Despite its enormous benefits, ginseng coffee can also carry risks if not taken in reasonable amounts: it is still coffee and should be drunk in smaller quantities by people with severe hypertension or duodenal ulcers.

The optimal intake amount for ginseng coffee is two, maximum three, cups daily, as well as for common espresso coffee in pods or capsules or ground coffee.

Ginseng coffee cannot only be enjoyed at the coffee shop. Pods, capsules and sachets containing the brew are sold in the best stores: enjoying the intense and energetic aroma of ginseng coffee at home can, for many, be a welcome sight.

How about you? Have you ever tried ginseng coffee? Do you prefer it to the traditional one?

The “war” between traditional and ginseng coffee is on!

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