How to remove coffee stains?

How to remove coffee stains?, Saida Gusto Espresso


Today we will cover a topic that arouses much curiosity, namely how to remove coffee stains. There is no doubt that among the many beverages, coffee is par excellence the most consumed at any time of the day.

As soon as you wake up, to start your day off right, after lunch or during a work break, a good Italian espresso coffee, like the one you find on SaidaEspressoCialde, is the perfect break. How many times have you come across a coffee stain on a dress, or even stains on sofas, rugs, tablecloths or carpets. It is important to know that in order to stain garments without damaging fabrics, it is important to act in a timely manner, eliminating it without major problems.

When the coffee stain is recent, in fact, you can remove the stain directly with pressurized water. How? Simply placing the stained garment on a container and then running it under very hot water. The game is done. If, on the other hand, the stain is “old,” then you can try one of the many methods, both natural and chemical, recommended to remove possible halos left by coffee.

How to remove coffee stains with vinegar

Did you know that you can remove coffee stains only by using apple cider vinegar or white vinegar? This is certainly a functional, as well as a natural, remedy for removing stains. To make it, simply mix two tablespoons of vinegar with six tablespoons of distilled water. Place the mixture inside a container with a sprayer, and after shaking it, spray it directly on the part where the stain is located. Let the solution act for about 15 minutes. To finish, scrub the affected area with a toothbrush and then proceed with normal washing.

It is undoubtedly a powerful natural stain remover as well as an inexpensive one. Ideal not only for coffee stains and halos. A viable alternative? Try white wine vinegar. In the latter case, simply combine two tablespoons of white vinegar with a glass of lukewarm water. Once the mixture is ready, gently blot the stain, helping yourself with a clean cloth. Continue dabbing until the halo disappears completely.

How to remove coffee stains: use Marseille soap

Had you ever thought of using Marseille soap? This is one of the most effective stain removers ever, effective even on coffee stains. Remove the coffee residue using kitchen paper and then run the soap stone directly over the stain and leave it for about 10 minutes. Done? Well, now you can rinse. Repeat the operation, if necessary, until the halo is completely eliminated.

White garments? Use bleach

How to remove coffee stains on a white garment? For your delicate garments you can use bleach directly, pouring a little product right on the stain. Once again, let it sit and then start the usual wash cycle. In case of stubborn stain what to do?

Natural remedies against coffee stains

Now watch this. Specific expedients, different from each other, can be used depending on the stained tissue to be treated. Let us try to see together a short list of possibilities, from the most common to the most peculiar:

How to stain cotton?

Want to remove a coffee stain from cotton? There are basically two options, depending on the state of the stain (fresh or old). In the former case, so if the stain has not yet oxidized, simply place the affected area over an empty basin and pour very hot water over it, or dab with a little warm water to a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Otherwise, if the stain is old, dab with glycerin and then again with a little ammonia and alcohol.

How to treat delicate fabrics?

For delicate fabrics, we move on to expose you to another method. In this case it is necessary to use a lubricating compound, such as glycerin mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar. Rinse and then rub gently with water and alcohol. Done? Rinse the subject garment again.

Separate discussion for silk. Since this is a very delicate tissue, it is necessary to intervene with carbonated water. Once the stain is removed, it is possible to dry with a hair dryer!

What about carpet and rug removal?

Have you accidentally stained the carpet or your favorite rug with some coffee? No problem. For this type of stain you can use a little lukewarm water or, if possible, a little sparkling water! Do you want an alternative? Then you can safely resort to alcohol and vinegar mixed together in equal parts. If the stain to be removed is old, the best solution is lye with salt, to be coated with glycerin. After application, leave on for about half an hour and then rinse.

How to remove stains from the mattress?

Who hasn’t happened to sip coffee in bed, perhaps on a gloomy, cool day? Who hasn’t accidentally dropped it? To remedy this, we recommend that you throw out the mattress! No, of course we are joking! Here is how to remove, easily and naturally, stains on the mattress. To make the mixture to pour inside a container fitted with a spray, obtain these ingredients, in the doses recommended here:

  • Glycerin
  • 4 glasses of boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons grated Marseille soap
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 glass of white vinegar

Did you get everything? Then proceed by mixing together: boiling water with Marseille soap, baking soda and white vinegar. With a cotton ball, moistened with glycerin, dab the stain and then let it act (should take about 15 minutes). That done, you can use the mixture you prepared on the affected area, rubbing it with a clean, damp cloth.

What should you not use for coffee stains?

You may happen to read about using egg yolk or lemon to effectively remove stains. The advice is: don’t do it. When it comes to stains, it is preferable to use the “traditional” solutions we have discussed, such as glycerin, ammonia, and apple cider vinegar. Finally, remember that if the stain is fresh, the most effective choice is very hot water in direct contact with the affected area.

What to do when you are away from home?

The question arises: how to remove coffee stains when you are away from home? Moisten the part with sparkling water and scrub until the halo is completely removed. To dry the garment, help yourself to a hand dryer, generally always found inside most businesses.

This is all you need to know about the topic of the day: how to remove coffee stains. We hope we have been helpful, keep following us to stay updated and enjoy your coffee any time of the day.

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