The best capsule and pod coffees of 2023

The best capsule and pod coffees of 2023, Saida Gusto Espresso

There is no denying the remarkable popularity of coffee capsules and pods in Italy.

This popular style of making coffee at home with your own espresso machine can be found virtually anywhere in the world, thanks to the large selection of coffee capsules and pods offered by stores and e-commerce sites such as Saida Gusto Espresso Among the many brands featured, we researched and tested some of their blends featured on the section Original Coffee Capsules of Saida Gusto Espresso Shop Online. We prepared the waffles in our best coffee machine, and we drank and poured espresso as if it were an elegant wine, rating them according to the classic elements of coffee (bitterness, acidity, saltiness, and sweetness). We also noted the final crema of the espresso and all the flavors that emerged in the taste tests.

Based on the taste tasting, the pods Coffee Borbone came out on top, along with the blends POP Coffee which placed second.

The best capsule and pod coffees of 2023, Saida Gusto Espresso

Best Coffee 2023: Blue Blend Coffee Borbone

Caffè Borbone is a coffee brand that has become increasingly popular in recent years both in Italy and abroad; it is a brand that has endeared many consumers with its aroma and taste suitable for anyone. We are talking about a coffee pod or capsule compatible with most coffee machines including
Nescafè Dolce Gusto
, available in different sizes.

Of all the blends a special note goes to the Blue Blend. The blue blend of Borbone coffee is brewed with very careful selection of coffee at the beginning of processing, the aim is to achieve a perfect balance between body, persistence and sweetness. Caffè Borbone’s Blu blend can be recognized for a noble flavor, a vigorous character on the palate, and an intense aroma for one’s sense of smell.

What we like: intense espresso flavor, enjoyed alone or with milk, a blend of fresh beans roasted to perfection

What we don’t like: aromatic notes may not appeal to everyone

Miscela Blu by Caffè Borbone is one of the coffee blends that has made the brand famous in Italy and around the world, consequently it deserves to be ranked #1 for being the best coffee pod or capsule coffee of 2023!

The best capsule and pod coffees of 2023, Saida Gusto Espresso

Honorable Mention: Pop Cafe

In second place we chose Coffee Pop: a coffee brand certainly less well-known than Caffè Borbone but with Dolce Gusto compatible coffee capsules and pods that are definitely worth trying and testing by all coffee lovers.

Whether it is the Intenso flavor composed of a blend of Asian washed coffees using natural African coffees, the Cremoso created with blends of Central American Arabica and delicate Asian coffees, the Arabico with sweet and spicy Central American beans, or a classic Decaffeinato composed of sweet and spicy blends with Indian Robusta coffees, decaffeinated by natural water method… Pop Coffee can offer a range of delicious coffees for every taste.

In particular, all Dolce Gusto Pop coffee capsules have a very distinctive taste with aromas with notes of roasted almond and a chocolate aftertaste.

What we like: easy-to-drink and palatable blends; some go well with desserts; produces a wider “long” pour

What we dislike: Less suitable for restricted espresso drinks to fully enjoy it

Therefore, these Dolce Gusto compatible capsules and pods are also worth trying, and the breakdown into the different types that you can find in Saida Gusto Espresso’s catalog of Pop coffee allows you to take your time choosing and experimenting with the coffee pod that inspires you the most.

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